I’ll tell you a flex moment I had. I travel on 6 lane Samruddhi Expressway very often. That road is super barren. Nothing on the road side, no shops, no people, nothing. There are only a few pit-stops along the way every 50-60km. Driving on that road is literally like driving in the desert. That road has its charms, but it gets very monotonous after driving 30 mins only.
You have to take a few breaks to brush off the monotony. The pit-stops where you take the break, have worst quality food prepared with worst hygienic practices. I have never eaten there, neither I had any coffee there. They have their monopoly. People, sound people, people who own a luxury car stop there for a coffee break or a fast-food break. With no options left, they have to eat and drink that unhygienic food to refresh themselves.
I always stop for a break on one of the pit-stops, at shivni (gavner-talegaon) exit. It takes 2:15 hour to reach there from my home and still 1:15 hour remain for my journey ahead. I stop there to brush off my monotony and cover the last phase of my journey.
Now look at my flex.
I park my car at the pit-stop. Always at the same place – exactly in front of the restaurant. I take out my hot coffee thermos and a glass coffee mug, exactly 310ml. I poor all the coffee from my thermos to the coffee mug, full – up to the brim. My coffee is always measured. While people making faces with that worst quality food, I take 4-5 sips of the hot coffee, very leisurely. Then I sit in my car, and drive away with the mug still half full having my coffee while driving the car. I do this every time I travel on that expressway.
Why I shared this? Because this time, when I was doing all the above, a BMW guy came towards me, and said to me, “Bro, this is definitely a flex. A true flex.” I smiled like a child.