Flex Moment

I’ll tell you a flex moment I had. I travel on 6 lane Samruddhi Expressway very often. That road is super barren. Nothing on the road side, no shops, no people, nothing. There are only a few pit-stops along the way every 50-60km. Driving on that road is literally like driving in the desert. That road has its charms, but it gets very monotonous after driving 30 mins only.

You have to take a few breaks to brush off the monotony. The pit-stops where you take the break, have worst quality food prepared with worst hygienic practices. I have never eaten there, neither I had any coffee there. They have their monopoly. People, sound people, people who own a luxury car stop there for a coffee break or a fast-food break. With no options left, they have to eat and drink that unhygienic food to refresh themselves.

I always stop for a break on one of the pit-stops, at shivni (gavner-talegaon) exit. It takes 2:15 hour to reach there from my home and still 1:15 hour remain for my journey ahead. I stop there to brush off my monotony and cover the last phase of my journey.

Now look at my flex.

I park my car at the pit-stop. Always at the same place – exactly in front of the restaurant. I take out my hot coffee thermos and a glass coffee mug, exactly 310ml. I poor all the coffee from my thermos to the coffee mug, full – up to the brim. My coffee is always measured. While people making faces with that worst quality food, I take 4-5 sips of the hot coffee, very leisurely. Then I sit in my car, and drive away with the mug still half full having my coffee while driving the car. I do this every time I travel on that expressway.

Why I shared this? Because this time, when I was doing all the above, a BMW guy came towards me, and said to me, “Bro, this is definitely a flex. A true flex.” I smiled like a child.

Flex Moment

Dear God, I understand now. I am smiling. If I die this moment, let me die. Because truly, life is beautiful, and I have tasted it. For I am you and you are me, Live or Die, eternity is always here. :’-)))

– Euphoria in Meditation

This is gonna stay with me for my whole life…!

Listen to this, then I’ll transcribe and translate.

पढ़ पढ़ किताबां इल्म दिया
तू नाम रख लिया क़ाज़ी.

You’ve read so many books, you call yourself wise. (क़ाज़ी)

हथ विच पड़ के तलवार
नाम रख लिए ग़ाज़ी.

You’ve taken a sword in your hand, you call yourself a warrior (ग़ाज़ी)

मक्के मदीना घूम आए
ते नाम रख लिए हाजी.

You travelled all the pilgrimages, and you call yourself a devotee (हाजी)

ओह बुल्लैया हासिल की कित्ता
जब तू रब न कित्ता राज़ी!

Hey you, what would you have done if God would not have allowed you to have it…!

The whole poem means that everything is because of God, because of his wish…! By god, Bulleshah doesn’t mean a named god, he means this Universe, the god you meet in meditation, the real God…!

This is gonna stay with me for my whole life…!

Do you choose your thoughts? Or do thoughts choose you? Is every thought you think your own choice? Or do thoughts come and go by themselves?

Questions that arose in meditation